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Frequently Asked Questions About Our Classes



Can I enroll my 1-year-old and my 4-year-old in the same class?

Yes, our classes are mixed-age classes ranging from 6-months and up.

What is a good age at which to begin Melody Mom class?

We believe it is never too early to introduce your child to music.  Don't worry if your child is older and hasn't had music classes, it's never too late to begin. 


Will I be expected to sing and dance?

No one is expected to do anything, however, it has been proven that your participation is important to a child's musical growth. You are the best example for your child!  Melody Mom and her team are there to teach your children with your assistance. Your hands-on approach will help so sing and dance along with us! 


Does my child need to sit in the circle for the entire class?

We get asked this often. No, your child is free to move around the room.  We hope that while you keep one eye on your child and his/her safety, you will continue to participate with them in the class.  We do ask that there is no touching wires or equipment and no running unless part of an activity.   


Do you mix up the songs performed during class?

There are regular songs we do weekly to get your kiddies comfortable, and we will interweave some new songs here and there.


Do you offer a discount to families that enroll more than one child?

Yes, families with two or more children enrolled will receive a 20% discount for each additional sibling.  If it is a special event class, the prices are the same for all children.


How do I know if you are closed for bad weather?

Melody Mom will post updates on her Melody Mom's Facebook Page.  Also, see Class Policies for more details.


If my child misses a class, how do I schedule?

Make-up classes for pre-planned absences may be made up before the missed class by joining one of our other scheduled classes (pending room availability).   Also, see Class Policies for more details.



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