Melody Mom Class Policies
No refunds will be given once a session has begun. So when choosing your child’s class day, please take personal monthly commitments, etc. into account as there will be no refunds, deductions or credits given for excessive absences.
Scheduled Holidays (other than Christmas Week) must be made up during the session in which they occur. Only two make-up classes allowed per session. Religious holidays can be made up; with a maximum of 2 per session. Make-Up classes need to be reserved in advance and will only be reserved for classes where there is available space.
Melody Mom follows the Pequannock School District weather policy. If the school is canceled or dismissed early, then Melody Mom will be closed. If there is a delayed opening, Melody Mom will be open but we ask to ALWAYS check our Facebook site for specific schedule details. Classes canceled due to weather-related closures will be made up and will not count towards the two make-up classes allotted for each student for each session. We do our best to make up classes but have to coordinate many elements to do so.
Session tuition payment is due upon registration. Spots are limited and held and guaranteed ONLY with payment in hand. Registrations and paying online get a $20 discount than when paying the first day of class.
We do not promote this, but anyone starting classes mid-session will be pro-rated. This does not get combined with any other offers.
There will be no refunds given for the registration fee or session tuition fees. Returned checks will result in a $55 charge being assessed against the account to cover the returned check fee assessed by the bank to Melody Mom and handling fees.
I understand that my participation and/or involvement at a Melody Mom event, class, party, carries with it the potential for certain risks, some of which may not be reasonably foreseeable. I further acknowledge that these risks could cause me, or others around me, harm, including, but not limited to, bodily injury, damage to property, emotional distress, or death. I am a willing participant in a Melody Mom program. I agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless Melody Mom, as well as all Melody Mom employees, agents, representatives, successors, etc. from all losses, claims, theft, demands, liabilities, causes of action, or expenses, known or unknown, arising out of my participation in, attendance at, etc., Melody Mom program.
I grant Melody Mom, and its representatives and employees the right to take photographs and videos of me and my child/property in connection with the above-identified subject. I authorize Melody Mom, its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that Melody Mom may use such photographs of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content / Social Media.
Melody Mom likes to take pictures and videos if you wish for your child to be removed, NO WORRIES, we might blur his/her face.
Melody Mom is a fun and relaxing way to be silly with your kiddies BUT we do have some rules to continue the fun!
Food and Toys from home will not be allowed in the Melody Mom Room. Any toys or dolls need to be left outside in the waiting room or at home. As for food, we have too many unknown allergies, please feed your children before or after. Water is allowed in the waiting area.
Melody Mom understands schedules with little ones... But please try to be prompt, if not come early. It allows us to start on time AND it allows you to acclimate your child to the new surroundings. Melody Mom opens doors 10mins prior to class. We will give a 5min window, then begin.
We ask that both children AND adults take their shoes off for class. We ask for no socks for our walkers to help avoid slipping & falling.
Melody Mom and Olaf love warm hugs. But not all kiddies enjoy their personal space invaded. No rolling into others or knocking others over. Please respect the other children in the room. We keep our hands to ourselves unless the other child is open to a high-five or hug. Children don't understand boundaries, so I ask the parents to assist! Thank you!
Melody Mom is your "Fun Educator" and will assist here and there to help guide your child through classes. But YOU the adult, are the sole person responsible for your child. Please keep an eye out on your child at all times and if you see your child doing something that doesn't fit into our class fun, please assist.
Melody Mom's classes are all about being laid back and fun! But we do like to keep things SAFE! Please make sure that if a child is running around and being disruptive, that you the adult, help guide them back, or if too disruptive, we ask you remove your child until they are calm. The same goes for when they are upset. Please respect the others in class...
We use Egg Shakers, Sticks, and Scarves. All are fun... but running around with them can be dangerous. Sticks are played within our caregiver's laps, and only while seated. Everything is cleaned with alcohol wipes, so if one goes into the mouth, it's safe from germs but not choking.
Please be mindful when talking with other Mommy’s in-class - please save those conversations for before or after class.
You may approach your child's instructor after class, or you may also email us at Please do not avoid speaking to our instructors while they are instructing.
Melody Mom expects NOTHING from your child!!! Not a hug or a high-five, not to sing or dance, not a thing! But what we do ask is for your help to guide them, to show them how to be silly, to encourage them, to accept them! They will thrive when they are ready! If they sit, they sit and watch and take it all in. I promise you'll see some toe-tapping at home or maybe even a hum or two in the car to a song. Let them express on their terms and in their own time!
We inform guardians of our Melody Mom Class Updates on our Facebook Page. Please go to our Melody Mom Facebook Page and like it to follow and see our updates. It is important to check our Facebook Page prior to every class as it is the place to see class updates due to weather, illness and other emergencies. If you do not have a Facebook page, please let me know.